I chose to take an English course in 'Architecture English' with Isabella Oulton, Danish for You
Anna Mette Exner, Anna Mette Exner Arkitektur
It turned out to be a wise decision. Isabella is not only knowledgeable and competent in architecture, but also a great conversational partner – both professional, fun, and pleasant to talk to.
I can highly recommend this course to others in the construction industry who want to strengthen their English skills and achieve a professional language boost.
Danish For You was the perfect platform in achieving my goal: passing The Danish 3 Exam (PD3). I had previously studied DU3 up to Module 4, but family and work commitments meant it was impossible for me to continue at a Sprogskole. Learning with Karen and Malene through Danish For You worked fantastically for me, allowing me to focus on what was crucial to pass PD3, whilst at the same time giving me the flexibility to allocate specific times between work and family life to study.
Adrian Johnson, Graphic artist/illustrator, Adrian Johnson Studio
I found both Karen and Malene wonderful teachers. Their model balances simple, personable explanation to some of the Danish language’s more challenging complexities, coupled with an unwavering patience. I have no doubt whatsoever I would not have passed PD3 without Danish For You, especially considering the significant leap between Module 4 and PD3. This just highlights how well Danish For You works.
Danish For You gave me everything and more I needed to pass PD3, with specific exercises tailored to my strengths and weaknesses. Karen and Malene have provided me with the foundations and confidence to let my Danish flourish in everyday life. I honestly can’t recommend them enough.
Website: I like the web platform, It’s really easy and intuitive.
Ernesto Farias, Head of Information Security, Novo Nordisk Engineering (NNE)
Skype: The face to face sessions are very productive for me, I’ve noticed real improvements in my spoken Danish in a few sessions. I’ve also found extremely useful the teacher’s recorded videos of writing corrections, all the details are well covered, and for me it was the best way to avoid repetitive error.
Karen and Malene are really good at their job. They have a lot of teaching experience and are very professional. I strongly recommend their web platform and learning methods.
Jeg var rigtig glad for min danskundervisning med Danish for You. Før jeg startede, var jeg lidt i tvivl om det, fordi jeg altid havde foretrukket ansigt til ansigt undervisning, men lige efter min første lektion ændrede jeg mening.
Roger Shoji Sari, Senior Engineer, Novo Nordisk Engineering (NNE)
Først og fremmest er lærerne meget dygtige, og de hjælper kursisterne til at definere den rigtige kursusstrategi, afhængigt af deres mål. Derudover er lektionerne strukturerede på Eurekos, som er let og interaktiv. Temaerne er interessante, nuværende og relevante for vores liv og arbejde i Danmark.
Tusind tak Danish for You!
DANISH FOR YOU is an extremely good Danish course. Malene and Karen are very skilled and I could see my progress growing after each class. Furthermore, for those people who have a busy life, the online class is the solution. They are very productive, dynamic and practical, since we can have classes from home.
Rodrigo Batista Pereira, Engineering Manager, Novo Nordisk Engineering (NNE)
It was a wonderful experience to have Karen and Malene as our Danish teachers! Since the first time we met via Skype, both of them gave us an impressive Danish lesson. We learned a lot from them.
Ziyu Ding, BI Architect, Novo Nordisk Engineering (NNE) and spouse Xin Yan
And the learning platform is great for any beginner to start learning Danish. All the study materials and contents are well prepared and easy to use. Most of the videos are recorded from the Danish streets and the audios are recorded by the teachers themselves. So we can have so many native dialogues and interesting scenarios to learn from which helps self-learning.
Furthermore, it's flexible to have the virtual live sessions. Even when in China, before coming to Denmark, we could start learning the language.
The exercises helped us a lot to learn the numbers and made our life easier in Denmark, especially in the supermarket in the beginning.
If you want a flexible, interesting and easy-to-understand learning partner, 'Danish for You' is for YOU!
Contact us
If you have any questions, please write to info@danishforyou.dk or call:
+45 5150 4944 or +45 2465 7865